Wednesday, 30 April 2014

piCture pOlish - Aurora

Today I have a really gorgeous polish to show you!

Aurora is a truly beautiful multi chrome polish from piCture pOlishe's LE collection that shifts between green, turquoise, blue, purple, pink and gold. It was released earlier this year along with 4 other limited edition polishes; Altered State, Gravity, Illusionist and Solar Flare.

The formula on Aurora was great. It was easy to work with and applied smoothly onto the nail. Due to it being quite transparent I chose to layer it over a black base, which is also what the manufacturer suggests since it really makes the colors pop! I used 2 coats over the black and finished it of with a top coat.

This polish is so beautiful and has so many sides to it that its almost impossible to catch all of them with a camera, but I have tried to photograph it from different angles both in sunlight and shade to try and catch as many as possible.

What do you think?

Application: 10/10
Opacity: N/A
Colour, prettiness: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Buy again: Yes! (If only I could!)

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Musical Mani Monday, week 11: Deep Purple ~ Gipsy’s Kiss

So I missed last weeks challenge because of a busy Easter and getting ready for an exam the following week, now I'm back and although it's a day late here is this weeks Musical Mani Monday.

This weeks song is Gipsy's Kiss by Deep Purple.

I got my inspiration from the band name and the title of the song = Deep Purple Kisses...

I started out painting my nails with OPI - My Very First Knockwurst as a base color.

Looks like this without a top coat.

Then I taped up my little, middle and index finger leaving a triangle and painted it in with A England - Avalon. I then used a dotting tool and Avalon to make kisses on the ring finger and MVFK to make stripes in the kisses. I finished it off with a matte top coat.

Unfortunately the top coat smudged Avalon a bit on the middle and index finger.

What do you think about the mani?

Next weeks song and the last in this challenge is Lorde - Royals, so tune in and see how I get inspired by that! And don't forget to check out the other talented bloggers Musical Mani Monday designs:

Deep Purple: Gipsy's Kiss

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Happy Easter!

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter and show you my Easter nails.

I'm quite happy with this design. I think it came out really cute!

I love that the sun is out so much so I just had to take the photos in direct sunlight.

I started out with applying the base colors:

Pinky: China Glaze - Lemon Fizz
Ring finger and thumb: China Glaze - Electric Beat
Middle finger: OPI - Pink-ing Of You
Index finger: A England - Holy Grail (New Edition)

I then painted the details using acrylic paint, a brush and dotting tools. Finished it all of with a layer of Poshé top coat and then I glued the pearl on the bunny's butt.

One in the shade.

What do you think of my Easter design? Have you made one?

Thursday, 17 April 2014

A England - Tristam

Today I wanna show you a polish from A England.

Tristam is a beautiful deep blue polish with lots of scattered holo from The Mythicals collection. It looks like a sparkly sky at night, it’s just an amazing color and I love it *swoon*

“Tristam The Courteous Knight: The symbol of the knightly virtue, and romantic love. When Tristam and Iseult accidentally consume a love potion, fall helplessly in love. Despite facing numerous trials to test their secret affair their love was never known to fade.”

Like the other polishes from A England the formula of Tristam is just great! Applies smoothly and evenly, and is opaque in 2 coats. Furthermore the drying time is nice too. All in all another great polish from A England.

I used 1 layer of top coat for the photos.

So pretty!

What do you think?

Application: 10/10
Opacity: 8/10
Colour, prettiness: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Buy again: Yes!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

PiCture POlish - Altered State

Today I have a beautiful polish from the Australian brand PiCture POlish to show you.

Altered State is a  gorgeous duochrome polish that shifts from blue to a few different shades of purple. It has a scattered holo effect that really makes it pop in sunlight. It's from the LE collection that was release in the start of the year with 5 different duo-/multichromes. These polishes have been made in small amounts and will there for only be available for a short amount of time. Actually they are sold out most places already, which is quite understandably since they are the most gorgeous polishes! I was fortunate enough to get my hands on all 5 of them and I can't wait to get to show them all off here on the blog. *yay*

The formula on Altered State was great. It was easy to work with and applied smoothly onto the nail. Due to it being quite transparent I chose to layer it over a black base, which is also what the manufacture suggests since it really makes the colors look great! I used 2 coats over the black and finished it of with a top coat.

This one I took out of focus so you can get a good idea of the holo effect in it.

I love the color it has in this photo!

This one is in the shade.

On my swatchstick I only covered it half with black before applying Altered State so I can see the difference between it with and without black. It makes quite the difference!

What do you think?

Opacity: N/A
Colour, prettiness: 9/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 8,5/10
Buy again: Yes (if possible)

Norway Nails seem to have the whole collection still if you are interested in buying it.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Musical Mani Monday, week 9: Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

This weeks song is Set Fire To The Rain by Adele. A song I really like.

I got my inspiration for this one in the title. Although I didn't quite set fire to the rain, there is still both fire and rain involved.

I started out painting my index- and ring finger with Nailmania - Morning Light and my middle- and little finger with China Glaze - Lemon Fizz.
For the middle- and little finger I then sponged the gradient using (from the top): Manhattan - 45P, China Glaze - Papaya Punch and China Glaze - Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. I gave all of them a layer of top coat and then I painted on the details with acrylic paint and finished off with another layer of top coat.

What do you think about the mani?

Next weeks song is Whomadewho - The Morning, so tune in and see how I get inspired by that! And don't forget to check out the other talented bloggers Musical Mani Monday designs:

Adele: Set Fire to the Rain

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Musical Mani Monday, week 8: Timbaland - The Way I Are

This weeks song is The Way I Are by Timbaland. Not really a music number for me...

After watching the music video a few times and thinking a lot I ended up getting inspired by the video.

At 0:48 in the video you see 3 guys in white shirts playing ball. I wanted to recreate that.

The mani I created:

For this mani I painted my pinky, middle- and index finger with OPI - Alpine Snow and my ring finger with OPI - Black Onyx as a base and then I painted the rest on with acrylic paint.

What do you think about the mani?

Next weeks song is Adele - Set Fire To The Rain, so tune in and see how I get inspired by that! And don't forget to check out the other talented bloggers Musical Mani Monday designs:

Thursday, 3 April 2014

OPI - Tiffany Case

Today I wanna show you another OPI (I swear the next one won't be OPI!)

Tiffany Case is an icy blue metallic base liquid sand with silver glitter from OPI's 2013 Bond Girls collection. It's such a gorgeous color and I just love the sparkles.

The formula is much like most of OPI's Liquid Sands easy enough to work with and it's opaque in 2 coats. Drying time is ok for a texture. Although I sprayed on a bit of OPI's rapidry spray in hopes that it would dry faster than normal. It did dry a little faster, but I'm not sure it made much of a difference to be honest.

I didn't apply top coat for the photos.

Sooo beautiful *swoon*

What do you think?
Opacity: 8/10
Colour, prettiness: 9/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 8,5/10
Buy again: Yes